What is Positive Reinforcement: Positive reinforcement occurs when a desirable event or stimulus is presented as a consequence of a behaviour and therefore that behaviour is repeated. For example, in dog training, if a dog pees in his designated area outside the owner says “yes” and rewards the dog with a treat. The dog repeats this behaviour because he knows …
Dog Treats Recommended by Good Heels Dog Walking
There are lots of dog treats on the market, so how do you choose which ones to purchase for your dog? There are many factors that you may consider when deciding on what treats to give your dog. These may include: quality of ingredients, perceived taste, size, whether it can be broken down into smaller pieces, etc. Some treats are …
5 Fun Indoor Activities to do with Your Dog
Do you find that your dog gets less exercise when it is rainy outside? Do you worry he is not getting enough exercise but you also don’t want to spend an hour outside in the rain? Worry no longer! Next time it is a rainy day, try out one of these fun training games that will exercise both the mind …
8 Dog Walking Equipment Essentials
Safety is Top Priority At Good Heels Dog Walking Services safety is our number one priority when client’s dogs are in our care. An important aspect of keeping dogs safe is using proper equipment. By ensuring we select high quality, proper fitting equipment that is appropriate for each individual dog we can maintain a high level of control while minimizing …
Teaching Your Dog to Heel
What Does it Mean for a Dog to Heel? The “heel” cue means that the dog must walk directly beside the person walking him, not in front or behind. The dog must stay with the person walking him at all times, keeping at the same pace and only walking when the person is walking. Why Would I Want My Dog …
Loose Leash Dog Walking 101
Dogs Love to Pull. You Can Train Them Not To It is in a dog’s very nature to want to wander around, explore and sniff things while outdoors. When a dog pulls on the leash to try to sniff things it can be very frustrating for you as the owner. Being able to train your dog to be good …